Beetroot Lentils Hoot

Beetroot and winter to me go together hand in hand as this sweetness it adds to the salads makes it just the thing you need for such a cold weather. Beetroot stains your hands and your working area, yet it’s worth it as its velvety taste melting in the mouth brings about a burst ofContinue reading “Beetroot Lentils Hoot”

Butternut Smooth Salad Heaven

Butternut squash/pumpkin loveliness is spread around and October is near, I can’t think of anything that I crave more than this yummy salad that’s absolutely heart warming. The ingredients and colors are quite simple yet, it has its own charm and a taste that lingers in your mouth and memory. To make this absolutely simpleContinue reading “Butternut Smooth Salad Heaven”

Chickpea Salad For Me

Chickpeas are one of those ingredients that you have in abundance in the Arabic cuisine in general, but to me I have always liked the twist of actually steering away from the typical. I love salad and vegetables a lot and I enjoy them warm and cold, so I decided I’m going to blend theseContinue reading “Chickpea Salad For Me”

Peachy Salad Dreams

Peaches are filling stands everywhere these days, pretty much peaches everywhere, but has it ever occurred to you that it might be an amazing ingredient for a brilliant salad? Did you know that peaches help you when you are bloated, and it is full of great vitamins? Well to make the best of that I’mContinue reading “Peachy Salad Dreams”

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Hot weather has just set in and you cannot deny the fact that it’s just plain lovely sun but definitely dehydrating. For some reason in this weather food gets sort of marginalized, nobody wants to stand by a stove and cook! Today I decided I will share some of my favorite salads for summer andContinue reading “Feeling Hot Hot Hot”