Chilled Chocolate Heaven

Who doesn’t love chocolaty treats? On a hot day and a long one you always look in the fridge for a quick fix for that sweet tooth but sometimes it’s a drag to make them. This pudding is easy to make and would hit all the right notes with your taste buds as you can vary the toppings to your liking.

To make this pleasurable sin you would need:

– 4 Cups Milk

– 1/2 Cup Sugar

-1/2 Cup Corn Flour

– 1/2 Cup Dark Cocoa Powder

– 110g Unsweetened Dark Chocolate (Chopped)

– 1 Tsp Cinnamon

– Few Drops Of Vanilla Essence

You stir in the milk along with sugar, corn flour in a pot on low heat till it boils then we add the cocoa powder, chocolate, cinnamon and vanilla. Soon the mixture will thicken and you can pour it in serving bowls and refrigerate. At serving you can get creative you can use:

– Colored Sprinkles

– Crushed Hazelnuts

– Coconut

– Slices Of Fruits

This pudding would just make everyone you serve it happy and take them back to being children with its smooth texture and velvety taste.

Loving Wishes To All


PS: The photos are not mine, I shall replace them with mine soon as they are ready.

Published by Lama Haddadin

Experienced Marketer, Food Blogger, Food Consultant & Digital Age Philanthropist

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